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Rules & Regulations

General Rules

Library Works and Rules. etc.....


  1. Students should be at college before the First bell in the morning at 9.30 a.m.
  2. Students should come in full Uniform every day.
  3. Students are to address all members of the college, staff with due respect and politeness.
  4. Irregular attendance, dishonesty, insubordinate are sufficient reasons for dismissal.
  5. If a student is absent due to illness or unavoidable circumstances, it should be informed without delay and leave application.
  6. The college properties should be handled with maximum care and everything possible should be done to preserve the cleanliness and tidiness of the building and furniture. Any damage should be charged accordingly.
  7. Students are strictly forbidden to exchange themselves in any political or other movements.
  8. Smoking is strictly prohibited with in the campus.

Library Works and Rules

1. All the teacher trainee and faculty members are expected to use the library regularly.

2. Teacher trainees are allowed to borrow only two books at a time and retain them for a period of one week. The librarian may call for book borrowed by any members even before the expiry of normal period of one week.

3. Reference books may not be taken out of the library.

4. If the borrowed books are not returned to the library on the due date a fine of rupees 1 per day will be imposed.

5. Borrowers are required to examine the books at the time borrowing and report the librarian any damage, loss of pages, pictures etc. noticed.

6. Borrowers are not permitted to pass on the books to others

7. Books borrowed shall be kept neatly. Avoid marking, underlining or defecting the books.

8. If books are lost, damaged are badly handled, their full cost with the fine be levied from the borrower. The decision of the principal in this matter shall be final.

9. Library books will be issued from 9 a.m. to 4.00P.M. All books borrowed should be returned to the library before one month of general examination.



1. All application for leave should be submitted in the prescribed form to the principal a day before it is required, except in case of sudden illness.

2. Casual may be granted amounting to not more than 5 days at a time exclusive of Sundays and other holidays. The period of absence at any time shall not exceed 10 days in a year.

3. Students are not permitted to absent themselves without leave, in case where absence without leave is unavoidable. Application for leave must be submitted immediately.

4. Absence without leave for a part of the day or absence without leave for a full day will be treated as absent for one and two days respectively.

5. A student who does not respond when the roll call is made will be marked absent.

6. The necessary attendance certificate will be issued only when he /she has attended 80% of working days in the academic year.

Duties of a Prospective Teacher

  1. Every teacher trainee of this college is expected to be courteous in talk and behaviour at all times. They must use polite expressions like “Thank You”, “Excuse Me”, “Sorry”, ”Please” etc. as and when necessary. All Teacher trainees are expected to get up from the seats when a lecturer or a visitor enters the room or place where they happen to be and stand erect when being spoken to.
  2. All students are requested to speak only in English at college and in the college campus.
  3. Every teacher trainee shall have with him/her the text book and note books and other materials required for the classes.
  4. All assignments shall be regularly completed and submitted as directed by the lecturers.
  5. Interactiveness , in difference towards any subjects, discourtesy towards any member of the staff or any act, which affects the discipline of the college will be viewed seriously.
  6. Cleanliness of person and dress is expected of every student. The uniform must be clean, well pressed and complete at all times
  7. The college premises should be kept neat and tidy. Wastepaper basket may be used to put waste materials and waste paper.
  8. Teacher trainee suffering from contagious or infectious diseases are not allowed to enter the class. Cases of such illness should be reported to the principal.
  9. Habitual negligence of academic work, dishonesty, obscenity in word or act, in subordination or such other acts of misconduct will involve disciplinary action which in extreme cases, will be expulsion from the college.
  10. Teacher trainees are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. The College is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to college.
  11. All are expected to speak in English at all times at college.
  12. Withdrawal of teacher trainees from the class during college hours is not permitted.
  13. Every Teacher trainees is expected to take an active part in the co curricular activities like games, sports, literary associations, educational tours, picnics etc. arranged by the college..
  14. No teacher trainee will be excused from General Assembly and thought for the day without valid reasons.
  15. Never try to deceive yourself with the lame excuse that you did not get enough time to finish the work expected of your proficiency in English is indispensable for a rewarding career. You can finish the work if you fix a target and resolve to reach it.
  16. All students should attend the classes regularly . Irregularity in attendance is considered a very serious lapse. In case of any urgency, formal leave should be sought by the parents in advance prolonged absence for more than a week should have the backing of a valid medical certificate.
  17. Students are not permitted to leave the college campus during the working hours. Incase of emergency students should get permission from the principal through their parents


1. I will respect different viewpoints.

2. I will correct myself before I correct others.

3. I will be regular and punctual in all that I do.

4. I will be positive in thought and deed.

5. If I cheat I cheat myself

6. I will work towards the vision of our college

7. I will always uphold the honour and dignity of my family, college, school and my country.